Sunday, October 24, 2010

How I Meet My Spiritual Master In Brooklyn Chapter 3 "I.F. the Man"




I write these chapters, which will eventually become a book, not to expound on anything special about myself.

The only thing, I think is special is what I.F. said to me after 17 years of study. He said, “Ellis I am proud of you.”

I said, “Yes?”

He said, “you have finally raised your level of consciousness 1%”

I was shocked and said “Only 1%? That’s all?”

He said, “That’s all? In this time of Kali Yuga where darkness is allowed to run rampant upon the earth it is a tremendous feat. Not only did you have to overcome much of the darkness inside of youself, you also had to overcome the downward drag of humanity.”

That made me feel better. I now know that this 1% gives me a wider and deeper understanding of life all around me.

Then I asked him, “Why did you choose me as one of your students? I have no special spiritual skills.

He said, “In these dark times, the changing between two great ages,, Pisces and Aquarius, there really is not much human material to choose from. You were better than most and you were close.

It reminded me of the movie Zulu when the 1000 British soldiers were surrounded by 4000 Zulu warriors. The young private, shaking in his boots as he looked out at all the sharp spears asked the old grizzled sergeant. “Why us?”

The sergeant calmly answered “Because we are here!”

So I was there when he went looking.

Now 35 years later I can see for myself the darkness of kali Yuga all around me. The amount of serious spiritual students gets less and less each year. By serious student I mean one who is willing to change themselves from within.

Kali Yuga is truly here and hiding your head in the sand and denying it does not change the facts

He told me that the whole Truth (with a capital T) and the way to the Light can never been known or taught by one person or group. It is too complex. The complete story of who man is, where he came from and where he is going is simple but very mysterious.

Not even a Jesus, or a Buddha, Sri Aurbindo, Madame Blavatsky, Steiner or any other great spiritual teacher knows the whole truth about god, man and reality. Each is only given a piece of the puzzle and the piece they are given to them they abstract out of the ALL by the level of their own consciousness.

Paul said, “I see through glasses darkly.” We all do!

I.F. had a piece of the puzzle and he called it “Organics.” He started the “Society for the Study of the Natural Order” in Brooklyn. And “Organics’” was again only his abstraction of the ALL.

I believe that he choose me because he didn’t want his work to be lost in the encroaching darkness. There were three others in his inner circle of students but I don’t know where they went or what they are doing.

Therefore I am writing this book to help keep his piece of the puzzle and his work alive. It is part of my dharma.

He never spoke much about himself and his younger years. But he did say that in his past incarnation he was an Abbott in a Buddhist Monastery in Tibet. This explained his love of Buddhism and his vast knowledge of Eastern Philosophy.

He had reached that level of consciousness where he was given the gift of choosing where and when he wanted to reincarnate. He choose Brooklyn. Don’t believe all that nonsense published in the modern day metaphysical books by the word merchants. Not every soul has the right to choose their next incarnation. They must earn this right.

I.F. often said that the modern day metaphysical bookstores are a real danger to mankind. Not everyone should be allowed to practice magic, read Tarot cards or know inner secrets.

The Earth is a school house and each soul must strive to earn the right to the higher teachings. I know that this will make all the politically correct ones scream. Scream away! The truth is the truth and your screaming cannot change it.

Life is an apprenticeship to the Higher Worlds. Very similar to the apprenticeships of the crafts. A young man who wants to become a blacksmith must work the bellows for many years before the Master puts a hammer in his hands.

This politically correct spiritless society we now live in is wrong, wrong, wrong!

The true reality of the Universe is an infinite hierarchy leading upward in an ascending spiral. Each step on the ladder upward must be earned by WORK on oneself.

Everyone is not equal. We are all potentially equal. The ladder to equally is open to all. But must be climbed individually. You cannot give it away for a vote or for a dollar.

I want you to understand that I have nothing to sell you or to teach you. I, at this point in my life, am only a scribe, a messenger for a Higher One who went on before.

Thank you,

Your Friend


Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. . He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, Viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

Friday, October 22, 2010

How I Meet My Spiritual Master In Brooklyn Chapter 2 "The Lessons"




I shared with you in Chapter One that I had agreed to have I.F. teach me and that we would make Monday’s our lesson day. Monday mornings it was. Almost every Monday morning for 17 years, that is almost 1000 private sessions with the Spiritual Elder Brother of the Race.

But that is not the only time I met with and talked to I.F. Just being in his presence filled me with joy and a burning desire to know more and more about the mysteries of life and the Universe so I found other ways to see him.

My soul thirsted for his knowledge and it seemed that his wealth of wisdom was infinite. The more I met with him and entered his presence and soaked in his vibrations the more I changed. Not so much on the outside but on the inside.

The Ellis who went to Seagate that first night does no longer exist. There is as much difference between the Ellis then and the Ellis now, who pens this chapter, as there is between a caterpillar and a butterfly.

A caterpillar lives in a two dimensional world with its nose always in the ground (like so many people do today). A butterfly has added the dimension of flight to his being and can soar as high as he wishes.

Now I would like to share with you a typical “Lesson with I.F.” Not that there was anything typical about them. Each lesson was unique and the Ellis that walked into the lesson was not the Ellis who walked out.

At that time I worked as an electrical engineer for the Board of Education in Queens, New York. I was in charge of 100 schools and it was my duty to keep them running electrically. I would visit 3-4 schools every morning and then go to the office to do my paper work and fill out work orders.

But on Monday’s my new first stop was Seagate and my lesson. Seagate was at the very end of Coney Island. I would drive down Neptune Ave and stop at the greasy spoon restaurant and order two fried egg sandwiches on hard rolls and two large coffees. They didn’t use Styrofoam cups then but had the real sturdy cardboard ones.

When I got to I.F’s house the door was always open and I would go in and climb the stairs. I.F. would be in his favorite green leather recliner. He loved that old duct taped chair and he would spend more time meditating and astral traveling from it than he spent walking on the Earth.

We sat at the card table opposite each other on folding chairs. He always had plates and napkins ready for the egg sandwiches and coffee had become part of our opening ritual. Besides he loved to eat. He always got up at 3AM because he said the hours between 3AM and 5AM were the best time of the day for meditation and making contact with the Higher Ones. He said the race psyche (what he called massive humanity) was still sleeping and messages could get through in both directions. He said it was the best time to pray and ask for guidance from the Higher Ones.

For the first fifteen minutes we chatted and ate. All the time he would be squinting and looking at me. He could read my aura and my thoughts as easily as you are reading this chapter.

Bedside the prepared lessons he always had for me, be it Tarot, Astrology, Kabala. Magic or methods of divination he used these first fifteen minutes to check me out. To see where I “WAS AT.”

He checked what processes his presence and teachings had started within me. This kind of one-on-one spiritual training not only affected your mind, your soul and your level of being it also causes physiological changes within your body. You can’t get this from reading a book.

It was his responsibility to keep me safe and healthy and he kept checking to see if the processes were moving too fast or too slow and then make an adjustment. Consciousness raising, which is what spiritual training is all about is an alchemical process.

Oh, by the way, if I was in a bad mood, angry or in any other bad state he would be standing at the top of the stairs and when I came through the downstairs door he would yell “stop! Don’t you come into my home with those negative vibrations. Put the coffee down and go sit on the beach and let the elements of wind, sun, water and sand clean you out.”

Since he lived only a block from the ocean I would go there and sit and meditate the way he taught me. I invoked the four elements using a sort of self-exorcism meditation. When I felt all the negative vibrations had been blown away I went back.

One of I.F.’s basic teachings is that negative emotions are alive and live outside of you on the lower astral plane. You attract them into your aura by your own thoughts and emotions.

I.F. said that neither I nor anybody else had the right to bring their negative emotions into the presence of anyone else, and pollute them. Not even a dog or cat.

He was really strong on this point. We must all be responsible for our own negative states and clean them out of our aura before we come into contact with anyone else. If you work in a very negative environment then you should take what he called ‘cleansing shower’ before you made contact with your wife and family.

So we sat there, opposite each other, and I practiced my ‘born-die’ breathing for fifteen minutes while he sat there with his arms folded across his chest and eyes closed.

Then we would discuss what he saw in my aura. We talked about the events in my live (your life is made up of events). But he spoke to me not on an ordinary level like you or I would speak. He taught me the meanings of the events in my life from a cause and effect level. Every event that comes into your live, you caused it. Why? He explained to me why.

Next followed my lesson be it Tarot, Astrology, etc. He had many rare old books on every subject with exceptional charts and teaching diagrams I have never seen anywhere before or since.

I was particularity drawn to Pythagoras and his spiritual numerology. I also enjoyed his Egyptology lessons. I.F. said most of the magic and mysticism of the West came from Egypt. Egypt came from Atlantis. He explained the ancient hieroglyphics to me.

On special days he would bring out his own personally hand written notebooks and allow me to copy a few pages into my notebook.

The whole lesson took about 2 hours. I would than thank him and go off to my first school. I couldn’t wait for the next Monday to roll around. But I kept busy reading the books he lent me and going over my notes from the lesson. He was never out of my thoughts.

In 17 years I was never once bored nor did I lose my desire to be with him and be in his presence. Tomorrow is Monday and I wish I could make that trip down Neptune Ave to see him again.

See you in Chapter three, your friend


Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. . He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, Viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:



Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter: